

So at first I was a bit upset that I had to go to work today. I’d already planned to go see X-Men and got myself all hyped up about it by watching X2 last night. The plan was to go to the 4:30 show and get me something to eat on the way…

Until I got a call…at 3 o clock.

“Can you come in to work today? We can’t get a hold of the person who was supposed to come in.”

And of course doormat me said,

“Sure, No problem!”

For the love of money.

So 3:30 rolled around…my mother decided to start nagging me so I left as soon as I was dressed and partook in some cream cheese sugar cookies and a Dr. P on the way in. ( I know it sounds like a disgusting amount of sweetness, but the disgusting part didn’t kick in until about 75% of the way through the second cookie.)

I moseyed on in to the store put my stuff down, clocked in…started doing my store-ly duties.

My manger asked what I would have been doing had I not come in today and I told time the truth….I was actually on my way to the movies.

He was all, “really? You should have just said so! We could have gotten someone else.”

And I was all, “it’s no big deal, I’ll just go tomorrow.”

And he was all, “were you going with someone?”

And I was all, “subtext: boo” “No I was going by myself.”

And he was all, “I know someone who would have taken you.”

And I was all, “Oh really.” (note the use of the period there rather than the question mark.)

And the other chick that was working with us was all, “oh yeah, [insert name here]? He always looks at his schedule to see if he works the same time as you. He actually asked to work today so he could meet you.”

And I was all, “Hmmm. How old is he?”

And she was all, “19…”
And I was all, “*blank look”

And my manager was all, “but he’s really mature for his age.”

And chick was like, “yeah he really is.”

Manager was like, “I thought he was like 22 when he came in.”

And I was like “subtext: why are you guys so excited about this dude?” “If you say so.”

So said dude walked in a little while later. He was dressed in a black freshly pressed button down shirt, some dark khaki pants, and shiny shoes. He also looked like he had a fresh haircut. Albeit I always overdress for a job working in a video game store, but dang I kind of felt like booty standing next to him.

He smiled at me and got right to work, greeting customers, convincing people to reserve games…all that stuff we’re actually supposed to do.

I steered clear of him to just observe and do some shelf re-organization…caught him looking at me a few times. ..

After a while when business got slow he started asking questions. The movie situation had somehow reached him…

He was all, “who were you going with? Your boyfriend?”

*inwardwaly rolling my eyes, “No…me myself and I.”

“Oh, do you know a lot of people down here?”

“Not really no.”

“Yeah me neither. I go by myself to places too sometimes I ain’t mad at ya.”

During his observation period he was docked about 25 points for stereotyping customers, stereotyping me (assuming I play Sims just because I’m a girl….so what if I do? I just hate it when people try to fit me into a category), and using profanity when he doesn’t even know me. I hate that. I think it’s extremely rude for males to cuss around females they don’t know. If I have a son, that will be a very important thing for me to teach him.

Despite the point docking, he was the first person of the summer to rightly and completely pass the test of okay-ness and earn my phone number. For the following reasons:

He’s somewhat aesthetically pleasing.
He is academically ambitious (will be attending Hampton this fall)
He has the right proportion of geek/cool. (Geeky enough to appreciate things like Xmen but cool enough to not look like he appreciates things like Xmen.)
He was aggressive, but not overly so. (Kind of like, I like you, but I have options too.)
His style (although I’ve seen him once when he wasn’t working and he was wearing athletic-wear, he still cleans up nicely).

This person will hereafter be referred to as “Young Grasshopper.” I shall bestow my knowledge/influence unto him before he gets to college and is told that he’s halfway appealing which will assuredly go to his head (and I don’t mean the one on his shoulders) thus making his head feel he is entitled to things.

*Cue trumpet fanfare


*Cue Pomp and Circumstance

Whilst I am a staunch supporter of the peni of the world, I feel that many must learn to wield a more constructive power on their holders. They have become quite selfish, causing their wielders to act in abominable ways. Whilst I have been a fierce supporter and even accomplice of said peni, I am taking steps to become a better person well actually, maybe not for a while just until I get bored or a another one comes along… Of course it won’t happen overnight, but I do know that any peni you take (or borrow) can be taken (or borrowed) from you and thus I must spread the cure of sensitivity and loyalty to all peni so that mine won’t be taken (or borrowed) when the time comes for me to acquire one. (And when I say acquire one I don’t mean for me personally…it’ll be attached to a male of course.)

Thank you and goodnight.

Newly appointed Secretary of Defense of P.R.I.V.A.T.E.S. (People Really Interested in Very Attractive Teens with Emerging Sex-appeal)

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