


I have yet to have anything to say…

Voted this morning at 6:38 AM.

Got a lot done at work today.

It’s almost 3 and I’m about to be OUT as my 8 hours for the day are up and we don’t get no overtime.

The schools were let out early because there’s a 2% chance that it might snow.

I saw a Dekalb county Georgia license plate on the way in to work today…and got nostalgic for “Decatur…where it is greater.”

I decided to go to the Black people ball after all. It’s the last time I’ll get to hang out with my LS’s in a while since people are graduating.

I’ll have to just grin (grim?) and bear it when I see GAM. At least it’ll bring sort of closure. Breaking up on the phone is LAME.

Plus I get to see and perhaps meet Anthony Browder who is a pretty influential guy…


That’s all.

ETA: I saw 5 different accidents on the way home from work (which took an HOUR when it usually takes 15 minutes at the most….)

The police are cautioning people to slow down by standing on the side of the highways and holding up handwritten signs with “ICE” on them.

I kid you not….

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Quick Grammy Recap
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Happy Black Love Day


  • February 12, 2008 at 3:38 pm

    1. Decatur is where it’s greater!
    2. BUT Ellewood is where it’s all good!
    3. I think I’ll celebrate Black Love too. Does it count if I bought the new Tyler Perry today?

  • February 12, 2008 at 3:39 pm

    did my comment post? *looking around*

  • February 12, 2008 at 3:40 pm

    *ahem* Ellenwood…hooked on phonics worked for me!

  • February 12, 2008 at 3:44 pm

    Yeah sorry just upgraded wordpress…

  • February 12, 2008 at 6:18 pm

    Be carefulout there okay? I left work early too.


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