Physics is Phun


WARNING: evidence of nerdlike tendencies are prevalent in this entry. Don’t blame me for being curious about different points of view of how the world works….


Not too much going on today.

There was an article in the paper about the discovery of small black holes floating around the universe. These black holes have been in existence since the big bang, and some string theorists think that they may be portals to alternate universes.

Crazy right?

Perhaps not.

According to certain theories such as the String Theory, such things are actually possible. The String theory says that everything in the universe is made up of tiny vibrating threads rather than particles which is what is widely accepted today. Also, the newer theory says there are an unlimited amount of dimensions rather than the four we know of (width, depth, height, and time).

If I put more thought into choosing a major, I definitely would have chosen something more science related since I’ve always been really interested in it. I used to want to be a virologist and work with viruses like viltal hemorrhagic fevers (Ebola) but then I found out you have to get about 50 shots to do that. I know that’s not a good enough reason to not want to do something, but…you know…I’m not a big fan of needles

But back to this String Theory thing. According go to a special I saw on PBS the other day, (shut up) under this theory there is the possibility that there are millions of versions of you. Every time you make a decision, a different you somewhere else makes the opposite decision. Like for instance, if you have to decide between a sammich and a salad for lunch and you choose the sammich, somewhere else, another you chose the salad.

This makes for intriguing situations. Wouldn’t it be interesting if we could find a way to use those floating black holes and find our “other selves” to see what our lives would have been like if we chose the salad?

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