Phirst Pham Love


Listened to Steve Harvey on the way in this morning.

He was talking about the MI.AKA situation and how disrespectful it was.

(For the uninformed, MIA.KAs are homosexual men who kind of imposed themselves on my organization by adopting our constitution, shield, colors, and thangs).

He was especially disgusted that the Alphas haven’t stood up for us and that if someone did that to the Deltas, the Ques would ride out immediately to whoop on some A’s.

First of all:

Second, let me say I think some people are confused about associations between the Divine Nine. The only brother and sister organization are the women of Zeta Phi Beta and the men of Phi Beta Sigma. They are actually constitutionally bound.

As for everyone else, we stand on our own.

Yes it’s true that the main originator of AKA dated and later married an Alpha as she was creating our organization, but besides that and the Alphas and us being first, there really is no connection.

It really all boils down to personal preference.

I have love for all members of the Divine Nine. I have a sort of camaraderie with them in that we all pledged our lives to these lifelong organizations to give back to the community in our various ways. I will admit though I do have my preferences…when it comes to who I’m REALLY down with as far as the frats go, I personally prefer Alphas for the following reasons:

I consider them my bothers because my male family (cousins and thangs) all pledged Alpha. Also, my prophytes instilled a kind of kinship attitude, instructing us to always greet Alphas a certain way and treat them like they are family. (More on this in a minute). Also, some of my closest and most supportive friends are “Bruhs”. Stereotypically, I will always choose an Alpha over any other group because my personality meshes well with them (the studious, businessy type). If I were a dude, I’d be an Alpha…etc. etc…

Now as far as this family business…

For me and my house, I will automatically feel a kinship with most Alphas I meet…felt this way even before I was an AKA due to family connections. In my chapter, if they knew of a Bruh coming in from out of town, an email blast would go out and we would be expected to be hospitable to him. (Not like bow down or anything, but take him to dinner or something). If a Bruh called me up needing a flyer, website, whatever, other personal projects (as long as they aren’t for Sorors) would be trumped to get their stuff done (provided they have all their stuff together of course). Helping new people at work, seeing someone in the streets, riding out to hem someone up (j/k…lol…more like bailing them out of jail after) about 83% of what I would do for my own Soror, I would do for an Alpha. Kinship runs that deep.

As far as this MI.AKA stuff though?

I never even thought about the notion of Bruh’s whoppin’ some A’s for that. I honestly don’t think it’s that serious…you can’t imitate AKA, even with our own symbols. It’s like a elephant trying to be a frog (no pun intended)…it’s just impossible.

I think Mr. Harvey was partially hating as he is a Que himself…there’s some rivalry between them and Alphas I won’t get into here…it’s mostly on the Que side though, LOL…

All love, all love…

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  • February 10, 2008 at 8:54 am

    That miaka mess is on some b.s. though…I don’t know what is going on in this world today. I know you got that other email, too…

  • February 10, 2008 at 2:55 pm

    I am bothered by the whole males trying to imitate sorority mess. Someone sent me an email with some photos of some dudes who were imitating DST and man I looked at their website and their mission statement and it was just a mess. I know they say imitation is a form of flattery, but damn.
    As far as an elephant turning into a frog.. That’s laughable.. Anywho, ooooo-oooop!

  • February 10, 2008 at 4:02 pm

    @ Enigmatik

    Yeah I got that other one the other day. It’s so crazy! They are CONVINCED that they are members…can’t wait to see what happens when they try to come up to the convention this summer…there will be 80 year olds ready to lay the smack down!

    @ S23
    LOL just trying to illustrate the impossibility of such a thing. It doesn’t even make since to think about that kind of thing happening, right? All love : )

  • February 10, 2008 at 8:09 pm

    Kanisa- Maybe you’ve written about it, but have you joined a local chapter there?

  • February 10, 2008 at 8:30 pm

    Not yet. The nearest one is about 45 minutes away.

    I’m trying to see how much money I can spare. Right now I’m just general I cried writing that dues check by itself!


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