


No changes.

Also, the weeklong twitter/instagram break was actually really good!

Less inclined to report on all thoughts which is pretty handy. I’m allowing myself to post there now if I want, though I hope I don’t have as much reason to.

In other news…

  • Sold my second Janet ticket to a Soror, funnily enough, she hooked me up with a John Legen.d ticket back in college so it was payback time in a way. I honestly didn’t even think of having her pay for it until she offered…
  • Friday ended with a ton of work… again with people planning things and wanting me to help. At least it’ll keep me busy? Idle hands are an opportunity for your brain to point out things you’re missing in life.
  • Met my Little Sister! We’re going to the fair next week. She seems pretty cool!
  • TV is back this week! Mini things to look forward to that don’t involve obligations! I hear that’s a thing!

Another day, another dollar I guess.

I feel like I’m trying to fill time by putting as much energy as I can into helping people, but…I’m not really….getting a return from it.

I don’t feel like I’m a good person by helping…workwise I feel like that’s my job though apparently I do more than most…and outside of work I’m just doing stuff I wish people would do for me.

I honestly am only getting more stress somehow? Like it’s up to me to make sure things go well, or to make sure we’re profitable, or to make sure this person stays billable, or to make sure this deployment goes well, or  even with my lil sis, to make sure she feels like the world is her oyster, that she feels special and supported…and that people care and want to do nice things for her because she’s deserving of good things happening for her.

But…that “do unto others…” thing isn’t really a thing…it’s a nice idea, but not reality. (Not being “boo me”, just saying for real).

I don’t know…just thoughts. Still tired. Don’t know what to do next.

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A Dream…
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Let it Go


  • September 23, 2015 at 9:26 am
    Pretty Primadonna


    Take care of yourself, Soror.

    • September 23, 2015 at 9:38 pm

      Thanks Soror!



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