Operation Post-College Development


Well alright.

Yes it is true that I do not have a job yet, but it is a work in progress. I figure, though I am not working, I can still be learning so that when I DO get that interview or job, I’ll be coming be coming to the table with some serious skills.

So I’ve developed a plan.

I’d like to call it:

Operation Post-College Development : Repositioning for Success.

Under this plan I will be doing the following:

I already have a website for the “business” but it doesn’t really showcase my talent to the degree I want it to. I’m in the process of creating a different Flash site to submit to ad or design firms…

There are a few good websites like Communication Arts that are good for getting inspiration and learning new tricks…


I will be studying up to take tests that will certify me as an expert in Fla.sh, Photo.shop, and Dreamw.eaver. I’m starting with Fla.sh. I’m an intermediate Fl.ash designer at best, and I gotta study up on the scripting. PLUS Fl.ash designers get PAID…like 70K a year on the norm…

So yeah.

My alma mater is having a career fair next week so I’m going to try to make my way back to Atlanta for the week and set up some interviews. I was going to be up there next weekend anyway for the STEVIE WONDER CONCERT (yeah I said it) so might as well make it a productive time…

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