One last pity party…


One last pity party before attempting to start anew.

All moved in and everything…

It’s kind of weird being back. On the surface, nothing has changed. Everything looks the same, stores are still where they used to be, apartment looks and smells the same. But at the same time, SO MUCH has changed. New roommates, new neighbors, it’s like coming to a completely new place.

It’s so strange not being able to walk two doors down to see a friend. They were almost always there when I wanted to see them. I practically lived in that room. That person won’t be scaring the crap out of me by sneaking up to my window, they won’t be knocking on the door and putting their eyeball in the viewfinder to be an ass, I won’t see them standing in the foyer talking on their cell because they can’t get a signal in their room…that person was my best friend…gone now.

It’s weird not to be able yell across the apartment to a roommate about a show we’re both watching in our own rooms. It’s going to suck that I won’t here her randomly snapping her fingers to a beat in only she hears, or that she won’t be coming in my room to ask if I can play a song for her. She’s still at Tech, but it’s just not the same…

And even though it’s been a while since she’s been a roommate, it’s weird not to have another friend randomly come in to hang out to watch Girlfriends with me while she talks on the phone to her sister, or for her to serenade her roommates from the bathroom, or to walk to the nearby all night diner to laugh at unfortunate looking babies…

I fell asleep reading earlier and had all these dreams about everyone still being here. I was so disappointed when I woke up and realized that it was only just a dream.

I miss everyone SO MUCH! :(

In the future, when people are walking up to get thier diplomas at graduation, I’m shooting them in the leg and dragging them off in a potato sack. Good friends and worthy males are too hard to find these days…

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