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  • August 12, 2014 at 7:10 pm

    I have been a bit stunned all day long. I didn’t realize the impact he had on me until today. Few actors have moved me the way he has, few comedians have ever made me laugh so hard. Such sincerity and authenticity in all his performances. A humanitarian, philanthropist, comedy and dramatic genius. GENIUS!

    Brilliant in Dead Poets Society, Awakenings, The Fisher King, Good Will Hunting. And of course, Good Morning, Vietnam – if ever a film captured all facets of Robin Williams, that was it. A performance for the ages.

    I keep imagining he survived his suicide attempt and has us all laughing hysterically talking about it on Letterman. Alas.

    Nanu-nanu, Robin Williams.

    • August 13, 2014 at 12:54 pm

      Beautiful Patrice and I agree!


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