Oh boy…


So it’s basically rained every day for the past week and a half in Atlanta.

The temperature varies though…sometimes hot sometimes cold…then hot again so it’s not exactly raining to turn cold.

I’m more happy that my brain isn’t like “wtf” with migraines…I guess that kicks in more when the weather changes then when it’s consistent.

Sentimental mood prevails. I heard this on the drive in this morning and was like “Wow”. Stripped down version of Earth Wind & Fire’s Would You Mind.


Can you imagine someone feeling this way about you?

How are there 294024824820 songs about secs these days in pop culture, but hardly any about love or adoration?

I mean there’s a ton about heartbreak and stuff, but not about when it goes right.

I was always annoyed by dude’s preoccupation with “freaks” women wise. Like “if she does x, she’s a freak” or “if she doesn’t do y, then she’ll be forever alone.”

Like, wut?

My thought is more like… A LOT chicks are “freaks”…maybe even the vast majority are. It’s called being human and enjoying relations like humans also enjoy eating or sleeping…it’s….kind of a normal thing.

Classifying women as “freaks” also suggests that it’s uncommon or extraordinary that women enjoy relations.

Again….it’s what humans or really animals do….shoot even plants!

Dudes who get excited about stuff like that make me wonder if they’ve ever met or been in a real relationship before.

Not if they’ve had relations, but have they been in a RELATIONSHIP with a real woman who likes the REAL you?

Because the deeper relations stuff usually comes when she KNOWS and TRUSTS you….not when smanging undocumented p on the street…

Or if you don’t know her like that and she’s pulling out all the tricks, be weary that she likes YOU at all or if she’s just putting up a front for you.

It’s not a competition, performance, demonstration. Just enjoy each other!

Then when you really get to know each other, enjoy each other in more specific and detailed ways!

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