Not bad…


So just about winding down on the B day.

Pretty good this year! Though I did notice I mostly celebrated via co-workers this year.

Which is okay and totally reasonable since that’s where I spend 99% of my time.

This weekend, my old team member organized a cookout at the drive in theater here.

It was a really neat idea!

A tad cold though so we just made it through one movie before leaving.

I do really want to see Olympus Has Fallen tho…so maybe I’ll go this weekend to my good theater.

Today, they decorated my desk and baked me  goodies. The person who brought the donuts apologized for them not being Krispy Kremes, lol.


I also got scolded by the older Black ladies at work for not having a life outside of it. They told me to get a little black dress and go to political social events to meet older Black men with money.

I was like o_O.

We’ll see…I DO need to try something new, but I don’t know too many Black Libertarians…

And I don’t want to be an older dude’s Lolita…

But yeah! Pretty good this year!

Maybe next year I can have a real life celebration AND a work life one!

Oh and Google!

Cool and Creepy!


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