Nighttime Visitors


Have you ever heard of ghost or spirits visiting then leaving coins behind?

This could be some random Creole thing my mother believes in, but something interesting happened this morning.

I was sleeping like a log as I usually do, and I suddenly woke up out the blue. I was really hot, which is a bit strange as I have my oscillating fan strapped to my headboard to keep me cool at night. Something told me to go check to see if I’d accidently left my fireplace on.

I went to have a look see, but it wasn’t on.

I went back to bed, but before I got in I noticed a quarter was lying right where I’d been lying. I SWEAR it wasn’t there before too…

My mother says spirits drop coins to let people know they’re there. If that’s true, I can’t image who it would be…my dreams weren’t out of the ordinary…and I only passingly thought someone was visiting before I went right back to sleep (I live by sleep…my entire morning routine is designed to let me sleep to the last minute and still get to work on time…). I didn’t have any feeling of who it might be though. LAWD! I hope they weren’t offended since I just put the quarter on my nightstand and went back to sleep!

That is kinda cool though. It’s good to know someone’s looking out for me.

*Waits for the side eye look she’s about to get…



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  • January 9, 2008 at 1:22 pm

    Oh my goodness. that was the EXACT look I was giving the comp screen, afro included! LOL

  • January 9, 2008 at 3:43 pm

    My side eye looks in the other direction. LOL

  • January 10, 2008 at 12:31 am

    Whateva! LOL Ya nevah know!

    I was raised to believe in such things. I called my mother and she says it was my guardian angel…

    Then she was like, “YOU BETTER PRAY! Those demons can come too…”


    I’m just going to believe it’s a good spirit hanging out with me now. I have to say…I used to be kind of lonely up here, but this past week or so, I haven’t been lonely at all…perhaps this is why!

    . . .

    Whateva! Keep your side eyes to yourselves! LOL


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