New Music & Things


Well I had him on here before, but he’s definitely worth bringing back…Robin Thicke.

Sexy, sexy music…especially Lost without you. . .

. . .

back breaking, till the cops come knocking, too sore to even move in the morning, remember how the song went and have another ROUND kind of music! …MMPH, Mmph, mmph.

. . .

damn, Damn, DAMN!!!!

. . .

Check out his website. All those songs in the listen section are hot! That album is going to be out of control!

In other news…

It was a really nice day today. People were actually sitting in the grass and talking like regular college students! It was surprising, but it made me smile.

Relay for life was also tonight. Teams signed up to walk around a venue to commemorate cancer survivors and those who have died. It’s an all night thing that raises money for the American Cancer Society. It was nice for a while, but the pollen is out of control in Atlanta…I don’t even have allergies like that but my throat was killing me!

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