New Beginnings


The power went out last night at about 10:30.

I was a little perturbed as I was about to partake in some movie watching via, but it worked out. I was amused by the Caucasian Persuasions outside instead. They walked around my pitch dark complex screaming “turn the lights on!” and also made a Blair Witch project type movie on their video camera. (I was getting my mail at the time. Forgot to on Saturday).

It was otherwise a very restful weekend. I spent it watching movies (via the aforementioned site) and sleeping.

In other news…

I decided to clean my chakras. There were supposed to start this morning, and I must admit, I do feel a bit different. I feel happier and well rested…like a weight has been lifted off my shoulders. Everyone has also been very friendly toward me today. Every person I’ve encountered has smiled at me and started up small talk conversations. I don’t know if that’s supposed to be the effect, but we’ll see. The person I talked to said there might be some other affects in the relationship realm so we’ll see about that…

So I’m starting a new blog. This one will still be here and I’ll write regularly, but the other will be my exploration of African/Diaspora centered ideas. That means more about astrology and spirituality (not to be confused with religion), religion, cultural continuity between here and the tribes of Africa (like my thesis on BGLO’s), articles on the state of Black people, etc. I’m gearing up toward a new direction in life. I’d like to go to grad school for a Master’s Degree in Sociology with a focus on Urbanization and Development and get a pHD in African Studies with the focus on Development Studies.

I’m really interested in the rise and fall of Black urban meccas (ie. Harlem in New York or the Shaw District in DC) and how those areas might be redeveloped to their previous splendor, that is as a successful and economically thriving BLACK community. For now, I’m going to keep on truckin’ with my company because though it’s mostly government contract work, there is a lot to learn in terms of logistics and urban development. I plan to go back to school after two or three years and take it from there.

Aight then! I’ll keep you posted…

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