Music Videos


I was watching TV today as my computer is in the shop, I didn’t have to go to work, and I had nothing better to do. I came across a new channel called BET J. I guess it’s BET’s attempt to prove some small faction of the network is still about the music. A show called “Grown Folks Music” was on. It was an hour’s worth of old and new R&B music videos.

I must say, the music videos of today have come a long way from their predecessors circa 1980.

Here are a few videos I saw:

Rude Boys – Written All Over Your Face

Granted, for about 18 years I thought they were saying, “sittin’ all over your face” and sang said lyrics with all my heart not knowing what the implications of such a phrase were, this video was a refreshing journey back to the 80’s. Sub par video quality, men wearing flowered hats, and body rolling movements abounded.

And I was in front of the TV doing the same.

Lionel Ritchie – All Night Long

There so many colors going on in this video, I needed shades…and I’m not even talking about what people were wearing. It was a multicultural parade of random people dancing from ballet to “modern dances” including but not limited to the running man and the esteemed roger rabbit. I had to change the channel periodically to regain my vision.

Whitney Houston – All the Man (That I Need)

This remix was a pretty nice one. It has high “sing in the show while no one else is home” levels. The video however, was lackluster. It included our favorite crackhead walking around an empty house (?) in an all black form fitting yet not revealing or sexually appealing (by today’s standards) outfit. There was also a bit with rain and a bit with her on stage with a hallelujah chorus of about 389 females.

Great song, but crap video. Can I get some flashbacks of you “crying yourself to sleep at night” or maybe some “” I mean…you’re okay looking but we don’t want to see you the whole time…

Prince – When Doves Cry

Now this dude. Wow. From the moment his skinny behind crawl naked out of a tub and across the floor, I was entranced. I actually think we may be the same size.

The outfits, the hair, the inability to even watch an early Prince video without thinking of the Dave Chappelle sketch…really too much to be said about this video. Interspersed with clips from Purple Rain, this video seemed to be the most shall we say “modern.”  I especially liked the split camera effect toward the end as well as the image of the face with the oh so realistic purple tear trailing down it.

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