Mundane Monday Part I


Day One. Spring Semester. 2006.

One and a half more years of this isht left.

Yeah, a KaNisa day would not be complete without some kind of misunderstanding. This time it involved me and a precious two hours of sleep.

I thought I had an appointment at eight this morning. WRONG it was at 11.

Thought my first class was at nine. SIKE it was at 10.

Really could have used that extra time too…

Other than that, class has been okay. Of course, I’ve only been to one so far, but that’s besides the point.

Psychology seems bearable. The professor calls things “cool and sexy” and asked us to call him by his first name.

People on campus are people on campus. Except for one exception:

I saw a black male with yellow eye shadow.

Almost ran into a light poll with that one.

Saw some Morehouse transfers…

Nothing to get excited about at this time.

Has any one seen the video Yo by Chris Brown?

Hilarious. Or maybe it’s just 106 and park that’s hilarious. I swear the average age is 14.

And why do they have girls that are clearly at least 21 as the eye candy for a 16 year old’s video? Actually is he even that old? His voice hasn’t even changed yet….Oh and I love how they break out dancing like it’s the most natural thing in the world. Oh HAIAAAIL no she know that’s statutory rape going on in that car…

(The only reason I’m watching this is so I’ll know what’s hip among the youngin’s just so you know.)

“You may be three years older, but you hot. Gimmie that.”

Whoa. I’m done.

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Monday Part II


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