Moody Monday


Don’t you hate it when you don’t want to talk to people but you’re put in a situation in which not speaking would make you a bitch?

I was in that situation a couple of times today.

Situation #1: Sitting at a stinger stop…

Someone approaches me that I don’t really know. I’ve seen him around campus though and he was in my sorority’s pageant. I knew I should speak, but decided to be incredibly interested in something in my bag instead…

Him: “Hey.”
Me: “Hello”

Logical following conversation…

Me: “How are you”
Him: “I’m okay, you?”
Me: “Great. So how is life post pageant”
Him: “(Insert information I’m not really interested in but obligated to ask about anyway)”

What really happened…

Him: “Hey.”
Me: “Hello”
Me: *rifles through bag for an excuse not to speak anymore.

Situation #2: On Yahoo

I don’t use yahoo that much, but when I do, I stay invisible to avoid old black planet people. I signed in to check the status of a project I’m going to work on today, but didn’t realize that I wasn’t invisible…

My thoughts

them: hey beautiful,…
them : what’s going on
Dang guess I gotta speak now…
me: not much. how are you
not that I actually care…
them: chillin’…how was your weekend
who are you anyway? I don’t recognize this name
me: busy. it was my birthday Saturday
(long pause which I use to my advantage as a way to go invisible and avoid the title of “bitch”
them: oh thats whats up,..well happy belated birthday
them: what are your plans today
(oh well too late. I’m assumingly signed off now…)

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