Monday Madness


Do You Know What it Means to Lose New Orleans?

I’ve been trying to stay a away from this topic lately just because it seems like my journal is the only place that can be hurricane free. I was dwelling on it a lot before and it was really just tearing at me….it’s on every channel on TV, every website, all around campus, even in my classes we talked about the apathy of the government and how it always fixes things just enough for the time being but not enough to be precautionary…

Then every time you turn around , the news is talking about the President “flying over the affected areas..” why don’t you get off the plane and DO SOMETHING!?!

In my International Studies class…he was saying how they knew the levees wouldn’t hold up in a large hurricane beforehand, but they didn’t do anything about it. It’s generally agreed that they will be fixed to repair the hole now, but will they restructure the entire system so that it’ll be stronger in the future?

Then I was thinking…

With homeland security, they’re checking the obvious insecurities like making people wait hours to be let into the terminal area with all the security you have to get through, but if someone really wanted to get through with something, they’d find a way to get around the known security wouldn’t they? Like maybe they’d put something in their luggage because that’s a glaring area that’s not checked.

What will it take to address that? Another disaster?

It’s like all this talk about how things aren’t right, how it could have been handled better, how we’re all sitting in front of our TV’s saying this is totally inefficient. How we’re all making ourselves sick with worry and the unfairness of it all…

Enough talk, get up and do something about it. Volunteer, donate…even with unrelated hurricane issues…speak up about homeland security, get involved in the political process, VOTE for people who do more than talk smack. Shoot, run for an office yourself if you can do better.

Talk is cheap. You can be the victim for a while, but then you have to be productive. You see a problem, be part of the solution.

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