Midtown Adventuring in the po bug


Went on a joyride to IKEA today.

(Okay well it wasn’t actually a real joyride as it’s about two blocks away, but I’m a little weary about taking my po bug too far off campus. People don’t know how to drive in Atlanta.)

I really like the store though. I was so impressed with how cheap everything was and how the store’s layout. Beds for less than 30 bucks! Sofas for less than 200! It was almost like going through an affordable furniture museum. They had a set “tour route” you could go on to see all you could see and those cinnamon rolls were smelling too good…

If you’re looking for something specific though, things can be hard to find. Especially if it’s an item that can be found in more than one section. By the way, in a store like that where you can find everything related to furnishing a house or apartment, they did not have the ONLY thing I went in there for…a desk fan. I was disappointed, but I ended up leaving with about 50 dollars worth of merchandise anyway.

In other news…

Haven’t had much time for introspection lately, but I woke up feeling a little wistful. I can’t entirely remember my dream, but I do know I was in a relationship and that my partner was extra affectionate. I have to say, I haven’t even been thinking about being in a relationship or even dating anyone. 

I’d made a pledge to not go to any of the concerts I go to alone, but now that it’s to the point I’m about to go to one, I don’t really care. I’m thinking I might make Friday the 15th KaNisa Friday. I might dress up and go to Atlantic Station for dinner then to the concert. I can prove to myself that I’ll have fun being independent, attractive, and alone.


F that.* IM’s a friend to ask if they know anyone that likes jazz and is single.

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