May Blows.


Want to know two important life events I absolutely hate going to? Graduations and Funerals.

High School Graduation…

Didn’t really care about high school. I wasn’t particularly close with my class even though there were only 60 or so of us. As the token honor black student, sitting on the stage and having my name mispronounced didn’t make for much of a memorable experience. As soon as it was over, I was like PEACE BEECHES! But I was secretly really upset that I didn’t have any sense of camaraderie with my classmates.

And it rained.

College Graduations & Funerals I think both events are extremely similar. Both are a sending off of some type, you won’t see the participants for some indeterminable amount of time, there’s a procession of some sort, it’s an emotional experience, and afterwards you eat.

I think Spring graduations especially will forever have a stigma of bad memories. Last year, May 7th was the graduation of my Ex. May 8th was the last time I ever saw him. Now he’s getting married.

This year, May 6, the last of my roommates for pretty much my entire college career graduated. Two will still live in the area but it’s not the same. The other five are all moving out of state and across the country. There’s no telling when I’ll ever see them again…and the ones that are moving are the main ones that don’t keep in touch with people…

 I don’t know…whatever.

At least I came prepared after last year. Actually brought my designated funeral handkerchief…actually I think it was the same one…

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