Wow today is a roller coaster emotional day!

I went from “my life” to “I’m a blessing to the company I work for” to “I want a male! Somebody play with me!” and right now I’m at “heal the world” and “I’m hungry.”

I blame my ovaries. It’s about that time.

In other news…

Listening to Michael Baisden right now…(Even though he drives me crazy due to is A-hole tendencies.)

He said that the medium price for a house in Michigan is @38,000 less than the national average is supposedly in the mid 250k range.

And that it’s getting to be a wasteland over there in areas that were once thriving.

I absolutely LOVE Michigan. It is so beautiful there, and they birth the most beautiful and wonderful babies (*cheeses).

For real though, Michigan…I have a fondness for it because I spent some of the happiest years of my life there. The fam lived there until I was 6, and the neighborhood we lived was like the storybook “All American” neighborhood…the kind place where everyone…LITERALLY EVERYONE…had 2.5 kids and a dog. It was SO SAFE, people left their front doors (with clear screens) open to let the light in. Yards were expansive and impeccable…for real the grass there was like carpet almost. People actually went around singing Christmas carols during the Holidays. Every kid in the neighborhood knew and went to school with every other kid. And those kids, even to this day, still actually go out to play with each other. I remember I went there last summer for my sister’s graduation from Med school, and you couldn’t go two blocks without seeing some kids chasing each other or riding bikes or something.

And the most amazing thing? Even though it was an upper-middle class neighborhood, it was more culturally diverse then you would think! Like we were Black (of course). Our neighbors were Indian. The next house over, African…Neighbors on the other side, White. Neighbor next to them…Native American. It was truly a melting pot.

Kirkridge! Grand Blanc, Michigan…the place to be.

I can’t imagine neighborhoods like this that aren’t all (that uncommon in Michigan) going away, but it seems like this is the trend.

Detroit? Flint? What? Almost like a warzone in some places!

What was Michigan doing before the industry boom?

What business can move there and thrive?

And how ironic is it that they’ve been disqualified from the primaries?

How very convenient…



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