Living it Up

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Aw fun times…

So many new memories and it’s only Saturday night.

Weekend really started Thursday. Feeling kind of lonely had a little company. It’s really fun to introduce Boondocks to people! I feel like I’m passing on the gospel or something (man that’s so sacrilegious, sorry)

Friday night, party walk practice and party. I was looking HOT! If I do say so myself. Sadly the only pics were taken by a fellow phirst phammer, but trust, I was turning heads with my bad self.

Afterwards we were kind of still in a party mood so the plan was to go to the much talked about but never produced after party… Instead we were going to eat with some people from another school…they were going to pay and everything, but we kind of left the place we were going to eat with them at without telling them. Kind of mean that was…feel kind of bad about that…

Got the talk about how being Greek automatically puts you under everyone’s scrutiny…(figures when I get the guts to do things)

Got back around 4…lived up to my line name to some degree with crazy a crazy seize the day moment… really tried hard and succeeded at being on my best behavior… Interesting times…*smile*

Slept for two hours, went shopping with a Soror. CHARLOTTE RUSEE OUTLET LADIES! SHIRTS $1! DRESSES $1 PANTS $5 & $8!!!

I cleaned up. I hate shopping, but I cleaned up.

Came back…slept for two hours.

Carpe Diem-ed my way to an ice skating rink.

Only tragically met the ice once. (F-ing little girl always flaying into my path…messing up my She was cute though & I was flaying myself anyway, lol…

Went to Popeye’s after and was weary of crazy lady who left her car to threaten Popeye people…

Returned at midnight about to pass out from tiredness, but thoroughly satisfied, or at least 88% satisfied.

I think 88% will be the max until I have the opportunity to seize a few more things…

And that’s all I have to say about that.

Times they are a-changin!

P.S. This playlist is dedicated KaNisa’s alter ego AKA (i really mean also known as…aww that’s the same as…WHOA sad…) anyway aka “now-rare-but-probably-will-be-more-commonplace-in-the-future-fun-KaNisa)

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1 Comment

  • December 4, 2005 at 9:53 pm

    Looks like greeklife is kicking in hard. Now you feel as though everybody is watching you.. HA! And they usually are. You probably got a boost of self confidence. Anywho, that song playing in the background, is so ghetto, but everytime I hear it I want to pop my ass… :)


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