Live in 2005

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Last couple of minutes of the year.

Daddy is outside shooting things with various guns.

Mother and sister are watching Crooklyn and looking through old pictures.

The other sister is probably at a club somewhere getting tipsy.

I just finished playing vintage computer games like NBA Jam and NBA Live 95.

Sports games have come a long way.

Hope everyone has a safe and fun night.

P.S. Go look at my chapter website. It only lacks the photo section, but I think it looks pretty neat. Be weary if you’re on dial up…

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  • January 1, 2006 at 4:42 am
    'Thought & Humor'

    There is a time for everything,
    a season for every activity
    under heaven. A time to be
    born and a time to die. A
    time to plant and a time to
    harvest. A time to kill and
    a time to heal. A time to
    tear down and a time to
    rebuild. A time to cry and
    a time to laugh. A time to
    grieve and a time to dance.
    A time to scatter stones
    and a time to gather stones.
    A time to embrace and a
    time to turn away. A time to
    search and a time to lose.
    A time to keep and a time to
    throw away. A time to tear
    and a time to mend. A time
    to be quiet and a time to
    speak up. A time to love
    and a time to hate. A time
    for war and a time for peace.

    May 2006 be
    your time to laugh,
    embrace & receive
    personal peace,
    Dr. Howdy


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