Life is but a quick succession of busy nothings…


Toooo much happening at the moment. I’ll keep it short :

  • Started watching Revenge after hearing so  much about it. I remember watching the pilot, but I fell asleep to it (doesn’t take much). I tried again this weekend though and it was actually really good! I’m on episode 11 of 18. Thanks Hulu Plus!
  • Work is finally slowing down. We have a release in about 2 weeks but my part is done. Enjoying this “time off” before it ramps up again.
  • Managerial duties are always exciting…I’ll just say…uneasy lies the head the wears the crown.
  • Dr. Sister and Mommies are coming for Mother’s Day weekend. I figured my gifts would be a spa day for them. Might be tricky though since middle sister is coming too and it’s not her holiday…she’s the type to have an attitude for not being paid for too…maybe we can all go to the theater with steak and I can pay for that…
  • Kiiiinda side eyeing the whole grad chapter thing. The perils of joining a large one. They’ve had my money since February, but I haven’t gotten any correspondence from them. Thinking of switching back to General membership and shopping around for a chapter that’s a little more organized. I’d only picked that one because they oversee my undergrad chapter. Kiiiinda don’t appreciate how they treat new members…but I guess it’s hard to keep up when you have like 400 of them. I bet their records are in an excel sheet somewhere rather than a database that is actually used by a system. Normally I’d jump in and fix all their IT stuff, especially since they insist on paying some random dude 2500 bucks to design a wordpress site for them (WHY?!)…I offered to do it for free. Gave them my name and number, twice. No one contacted me…I need  people to meet me halfway at least…
  • Also why did I find out about our next event (a party) on Facebook…from being invited by a Que who was co-hosting it with us? Nice…
  • Collecting articles about responsive design. Meant to start on my first HTML 5 project, but I spent the weekend sleeping and derping around instead. I needed some time to recover from the previous weekend of birthday happenings and Frog visit. Did I mention he got me a Fabio Napoleoni? Remember when I talked about him a while back?

    “Who Would I Be Without You”

    You can’t tell from this picture, but the colors are extremely vivid. I’m pretty sure staring at it is akin to taking some drug that calms your brain and stuff. Couldn’t take my eyes off it. I asked Frog to turn it around because if it’s in your field of vision, you can’t help but stare.

So yeah that’s pretty much all that’s going on that I can talk about. Interesting times! Happy Birthday to my fellow Taureans!

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