Life and stuff…

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Well awright.

Life Update :

July 7th marked month #3 for GAM and me…officially my longest relationship ever (which is sad, ‘specially since his longest was 6 YEARS)

Less than a month to go until graduation

Second interview tentatively set for Friday

I need a relaxer

Thesis is 80% done

Motivation to study is steadily climbing

Yeah. Not too much is going on event wise, which I suppose is a good thing. This mensiversary was spent vegging out all day, which is something that doesn’t happen too often (what am I talking about?! I have SEVERE senioritis!) I guess it’s different when you spend it with someone you love spending time with though. It’s kind of funny, I never thought I’d find ANYONE who slept as much as I did…then I met him.

Graduation is a month away and I haven’t ordered invitations yet. I think I might just send an evite or something. For some reason, graduation from college doesn’t seem like a big deal, especially when you just had a sister, who graduated from MEDICAL SCHOOL…but it’s whateva…only 20% graduate form Tech in about 4 years…and I’m one of those 20%-ers…

I have a second interview tentatively set for Friday for T.M.P. Worl.dwide. I pray that will turn out to be an offer so I can stop stressing about being unemployed.

I REALLY need a relaxer. F’ing sucks. My hair grows supa’ fast during the summer so my hair seems constantly nappy…

Thesis is almost done. I have all the writing finished, and just need to make it into an interactive website. For those who hate on BGLO’s really hard, be prepared to get schooled. I learned stuff that people who’ve been Greek for YEARS didn’t even know.

Motivation to study is getting a bit better. Before I was like…man…all I want to do is pass and be out, but now I kind of want to be a studious as everyone thinks I am…just so I can feel fulfilled at the end of the day. We’ll see how long that lasts though…senioritis is a heck of a disease…

Aight then. In the meantime…here’s a little something for those who were pre-teens in the 90’s…

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1 Comment

  • July 10, 2007 at 3:43 pm

    OMG! I used to LOVE me some Carmen Sandiego (sp?). She was the baddest chick in her red trench! lol. I miss the host lady too, her name escapes me right now. I wish u luck on ur interview and congrats on graduating in 4yrs..ummm yeah, passed that ohhh about a year ago but I WILL graduate..someday lol!


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