Letters of Concern/Praise

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Dear Nosy People!

Why is it that 80% of the time there’s traffic on a highway, it’s because of you nosy people?! There’s usually a wreck, that ain’t even blocking traffic, yet the road is still gridlocked because you have to poke your nose in other people’s business! JUST DRIVE! People have places to go! People to see!

Thanks so much!


Dear Facebook and Gmail,

I must admit, though I am a regular deactivator of my Facebook profile for various reasons, you have been making improvements. I enjoy the fact that when people send messages or write on others walls, you relay the entire message to my inbox, saving me the trouble of logging in and having people think I Facebook all day while at work. I really don’t though. I just like to keep in touch with friends and since we are of the nerdish variety, we correspond via email and other messaging systems.

And Gmail, you too have been making strides! You have made it possible for AIM to be integrated into Google talk! Even though I don’t talk to people on AIM like that, that is a very convenient option for those that do.

I would like to thank you both for accomplishing all these things at no cost to the public. Keep doing what you’re doing!

Your fan,



Dear Budd.ah from I Love N.ew Y.ork,

Hey baby. I would just like to say that though the show that you’re on is coonery at its worst, I have to keep tuning into watch your fine” assgard. You really shouldn’t waste your time with Tiffany. That chick is played out like an 8-track. You need someone who will rub your back when you’re tired. Someone who will appreciate your kind, gentle, and honest side as well as your aggressive, “relational”, masculine side. Someone who will have your back no matter what.

Someone like me.

We can grow together…and save the world one child at time.

Get at me.



LMAO Buddah really does have a crazy good publicist for real though. His people crafted him into the “perfect Black man.” Google him and you will agree…I hear he’s even coming out with an inspirational book or something…

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