On the Horizon



I’m going to do it.

I’m going to grow out my relaxer and go natural.

I guess people would think I am the last person to do such a thing just because I’ve always been known for my long-ish hair. I’m actually just reaching my target length (middle of my back), but it’s been at a cost…I don’t have the healthiest tresses in the world. My hair is quite fragile and grows really fast, so relaxing it every few weeks due to an inch of new growth isn’t the best thing to do.

It seems like my hair would be stronger and healthier if I let it “do what it do” naturally…

I’m sure my mother will have a heart attack though, lol…

Over the past few months, I’ve been noticing the unprocessed hair of people I know and they have really great healthy hair. In fact, GAM’s hair was one of the first things I noticed about him. He wore it kind of wild and it was made up of the tiniest ringlets. I enjoyed pulling on them and saying “Boing!” to myself…(Whateva! He liked it! Apparently it’s a sleep aid among other things…)

Since then he’s gotten locks. I kind of miss our boing moments, but that’s alright.


It’ll be interesting to see what my real hair looks like.

I’m going to get my mind right and try to do it starting January 1.

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  • October 22, 2007 at 7:57 pm

    Its not so bad i did it in a year and now i love it.


  • October 22, 2007 at 7:59 pm

    *clapping hands* yay! Welcome aboard! I too used to have the mid back permed tresses but I’ve been happily natural for the last 2yrs.
    Unfortunately, i’m glad you already have your job. Some see natural hair as deterrent during interviewing *sigh* I’m still contemplating pressing mine for interviews…sad but it’s the world we live in.
    Anywho, feel free to pick my brain!

  • October 22, 2007 at 8:13 pm


    I think the hardest part will be losing the length. I’m also not sure how my hair will look once it’s all anti-chemicalized. GAM insists that it will look like his tiny ringlets, but I think his hair is pretty unique…

  • October 23, 2007 at 8:59 am

    Hey! I shall devote a post to your questions! Be on the look out!

  • October 28, 2007 at 9:38 pm
    Wildcat Queen

    Go for it. One of the first things you might need to decide is if you are going to let it grow out and cut it in stages or “big chop” it. I did the big chop two years ago. There are some good websites out there to help you along. nappturality.com is one. Good luck


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