Let the countdown begin


T-minus 58 hours until I’m an independent college girl again!

I suppose I should start packing.

It’s not that I haven’t been doing anything, I’ve actually been doing a lot!

1. I’ve been hemming things…
even though I don’t actually know how to sew…but it’s still together so let’s just pretend I know what I’m doing

2. I’ve been cleaning up my “apartment”…
actually haven’t really been doing that either…I just picked up some cd’s around my computer and put them back in the case

3. I’ve been pulling out clothes from that attic to take back with me…
yeah not really making headway with that…I was just looking for a certain dress that didn’t quite fit like I wanted…wanted to see if I could make some alterations. (see reference to my sewing skills in 1) It now fits like the prophetic black dress I wrote about long ago…

4. I’ve been physically preparing myself so that I’ll look in top shape
Eating as much as possible like an animal does before hibernating. You know how it is once you’re in college a hot dog is a meal, and I’m talking just the meat part without the bread. I’ve also been working out more to move the excess food coming in to strategic places on my body, lol

And now, what I’m about to work on…

5. Intense “beauty regimen” is now in effect.
It’s going to be a bit scary. I have purchased a wax kit. I’ve never done it before but I thought I’d try it out. I tried putting it off as just the thought brings back images of seeing my mother stuck to a bathtub back when I was the impressionable age of four, but I’m going to swallow my fears and persevere, for the sake of lazy girls everywhere who don’t feel like shaving every day…

Alright then, I’ll see you on the other side.

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“F that” I said


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