Let it Go


Trying to bob and weave through this Monday.

1.) Really like this talent, but they’re too expensive. Trying to find a place for them but feel like I’m going to have to throw them back in the sea. Sometimes wonder if I should be demanding more if they do 75% of what I do and they’re looking for the same salary…but I’m also aware that they are expensive and that price might be why it’s tougher to justify them for long term projects….and also why they’re limited to contract work like that. Know your worth, but don’t price yourself out of work, you know? By the hour salary != Salaried work with benefits. Adjust accordingly.

2.) Have another situation that’s starting to turn into more trouble than they’re worth. I forgot the equation, something about trouble, worth, and value…and when the weights are off…

I generally have problems letting go of negative situations…I let things  fester and give people a million chances while otherwise I’m completely stressed out trying to keep things together on my own. Meanwhile, I probably don’t give enough feedback that things are going wrong, or when I do give feedback, it’s not directly proportional to my levels of annoyance so people are blindsided when I’m like “I CAN’T TAKE IT ANYMORE!” The exclamation came about 3 months after I was first annoyed…

I have an exit strategy for this situation, but probably need to let them  know instead of working around them. Building the safety net so they’ll have something to fall back on which is more than what others will do for them. It’ll be SUCH a weight lifted in a month with this is resolved. They’re making me NUTS in the meantime though…

3.) Today is toss over the fence to KaNisa day. I got 4 things plopped on my desk this morning because my name is KaNisa “it’s handled” [Insert last name here]. Again don’t mind. Idle hands and all that.

4.) Listening to Mi.ndy Kaling’s new book. I really admire writers…and really love books written by comedy writers. Ms. Poe.hler, Ms. F.ey, Ms. Ka.ling, Mr. Novak… (coincidence that a lot of my favorite writers/comedians are all NBC people?!? Even Donal.d was NBC!) They’re all really intelligent satirists. Not like fake smart, but for real smart, self-aware, self-deprecating, normalish people. Was thinking as I was listening on my drive in that I don’t want to know anything horrible about Mind.y. Let me have my dream of bright young people who came up making the most of their opportunities and stressing out because they are judged every day on the original content that comes out of their heads that’s written and re-written a million times and somehow gets bastardized into something else with everyone’s notes and marketing results and all kinds of things…but it still gets associated to you and your brand in the end…and people on social media tear it up, says it sucks, says you look weird, poos on it, etc.

Couldn’t be me, but I have GREAT respect for who want it willingly. I wonder what they do to help stuff roll off their backs…

Happy Monday.

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