Late Nights in East Commons

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Man…had a really late night at the Library.

I have a test today in my Family & Sexuality class and there’s an incredible amount of information to be tested on. A few classmates and I decided to have a study group…at midnight…

It was an experience.

Being just about the only three females/black people in that section of the library and saying things like “clitoral stimulation,” “self-abuse,” and “63% of prostitutes in the Victorian age were foreign hoes” warranted a good amount of glances and stares. Then it seemed like EVERYONE in the area got on the topic of sex.

I was like, wow. This guy is a nerd and he gets more action than me…lol.

My notes got candied as time went on from grammatically correct note taking to “Victorian pimps formed unions to support ho-ism” and “ladies ho’ed for luxuries in life.”

Whatever though. They’re for my own reference anyway.


I should write that on my test, “Non-purposeful self induced skeeting was known as Onanism…”

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  • October 27, 2006 at 4:00 pm

    “Victorian pimps formed unions to support ho-ism” and “ladies ho’ed for luxuries in life.”

    Hilarious! I may have to use this!


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