(Late) Midweek Update


Workin’ Day and Night

They’re keeping me busy at work. I’m developing graphics, websites, and Flash apps for 7 different projects. I don’t mind though. My creativity has finally come back so I’m in creation mode.

It’s snowing…AGAIN

It snowed yesterday and there’s supposed to be another big storm tonight/tomorrow. My co-workers are already planning to work from home and I think I might do the same. It’s a new rule…if they post signs that there won’t be free breakfast in the kitchenette due to inclement weather, nobody comes in on Fridays.

All this bad weather also makes me wonder how the kids make up the snow days…there have been a couple already and it’s only February!

Somewhere Out There

My friend is doing a “wordwide tour” of sorts right now. She usually checks in every day via Facebook, email, or her blog, but she hasn’t been “seen” since Sunday. I’m kind of worried about her. She should be in Egypt now and I know a lot has been going down there lately…

I hope she’s okay…

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  • February 21, 2008 at 5:47 pm

    yeah. I am worried about them too! Hopefully they are having so much fun that they just haven’t “checked-in”. I told L to send me a postcard, so hopefully he remembers….

    …wish I could work from home…..

  • February 21, 2008 at 10:10 pm

    Nope, I don’t frequent yahoo answers. But out curiosity I poked around as well..I found a 9th grader using the same handle *shrug*


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