(Late) Mid Week Update


Been kind of negative lately.

I think it confirms the fact that I shouldn’t go longer than 2 days without seeing and talking to people in real space. Otherwise, I get into my head too much.

Finished my hair process. It’s wispy and free now. I’d take a picture but…maybe later.

Is “New Media” still a thing? I feel like it’s a buzzword like “Web 2.0”. I admit I do kinda side eye people who do it exclusively as a career. I mean the ones whose entire job is to write blogs and tweet…not really the ones writing the strategies to…write…blogs and tweet.

Speaking of side eyes, I’ve been getting a lot of them from people since my hair has been straight. Maybe they think I’m wearing weave or something as it’s usually in its natural state and that doesn’t hang much.

Nobody is as incredulous as I was when I finished the first straightening process. I only do it few times a year so I don’t notice how much is up there until then.

Temperatures cooling down. Fall is on the way. Still a tad bit too warm right now. I saw a Halloween store on my way home from work yesterday.

As fast as this year is moving, the countdown will be here in no time at all!

(Mine will start Oct 1. though)

I’m being social this weekend. Tailgate and was invited to someone’s house warming.

Getting around to Royalty on track 10 of 18 now. I wasn’t in a rush to listen to it as it has so many guests on it. I guess it’s a true mixtape…

If I want to hear an album by an artist, I kind of want to listen to THAT artist not really ALL the artists.

Shouts out to Mr. G though, I swear he’s like a machine who must not sleep. Gifted in another field, and another field, and another field…

There’s a theme I see a lot in his music, and really among people who were not “popular” when “popularity” is something people care about.

The whole idea of needing to have money and power in order to get girls…and the related subject of gold diggers.

As a person of the female persuasion, I don’t think it’s actually about money or power per say, it’s about the character traits that are required to HAVE money and power.

I really do think that’s actually what’s attractive to girls.

Innately we like dudes who have the propensity to be protectors/providers.

Someone who is driven, ambitious, realistic, hard-working, versatile, flexible, opportunistic, and physically attractive with a healthy pinch of sociopath is like the holy grail of sperm.

Could be humble or an a-hole, could be a millionaire, or a hundred-are…if he has those qualities, he’ll never be at a loss for female attention across the spectrum of…females (leech to millionaire board room executive).

I kinda wish that was more well known. It was never really about what you have, it’s about who you are and what you’re willing to do to get what you want.

Could just be me though.

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