Last year Halloween fell on a weekend…


Me and ghetto boys was trick-or-treat-ten.


When it’s around “that time”…

I can’t sleep at night.

There and for, this entry may be random due to my brain being exhausted from lack of sleep and creative exertion for “the man.”

Right now I’m counting down the minutes until I get off work. I got here shortly after the crack of dawn just to see what it was like in the early morning time. I’m thinking I might bite the bullet and wake up earlier. ..parking was a breeze and the commute in was 15 minutes shorter.

It’s interesting pulling a 24+ hour day. I haven’t done this in I don’t know how long.

Currently, my skin looks more yellow than usual. I don’t know if it’s because of the lights here, or if my brain isn’t processing colors correctly, or even if my Blackness is somehow going away. (ALAS!)

Perhaps I should go sit in the sun for an hour or eight.

I have a weird dullness in my head. It’s not a headache, but it’s not exactly pleasant either. This Dr. P I’m drinking is the only thing that’s keeping me from turning my laptop into a pillow.

I tried hiprolling again this morning in the mirror. I can do it until I actually think about the technique of how to do it…then it gets complicated and I can’t do it again if that makes any sense…

I spent 20 minutes in the mirror this morning just admiring my beauty. I really am a pretty girl. I tried to take pictures of myself, but they just couldn’t adequately capture the gorgeousness that is me.

MAN, I really wanted to go to sleep last night to…I had my dreams all ready to go any everything…

My mind is playing tricks on me for real…I keep seeing and feeling people around me…but when I actually look, no one’s there.

. . .

Yeah I’m going to bed IMMEDIATELY!


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