Keep on Pushin’


I swear I like the time leading up to Christmas more than Christmas Day itself.

The family was more civil than usual this holiday season. I think it’s because of recent events.

For me, I’m still having wayward dreams, when I CAN sleep, so it did put a damper on the season.

I did enjoy the time with the family though! We had fun decorating the family home and they got a bit carried away with poor Gidget…

(I so didn’t have her do anything wayward…they corrupted her!)

But yeah…a pretty good holiday! We’re hardly ever all together so it was nice!

Now back to work tomorrow with a one day break for New Year’s day.

I bet a lot of people are out, but since I’ve been out since the event, it’ll be time for me to catch up and get ahead some before everyone comes back.

Merry (Belated) Christmas!

And Happy Boxing (?!?) Day!

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Mid Week Update


  • December 27, 2012 at 12:49 pm

    I so didn’t have her do anything wayward…they corrupted her!

    Indeed. They even made him a her.

    A belate Merry Christmas, KaNisa.

  • January 1, 2013 at 10:07 am

    Happy New Year, KaNisa. Hope you celebrated in style, without corrupting Gidget even further.

    • January 5, 2013 at 1:09 am

      It so wasn’t me. I tried to keep her innocent!

      Happy New Year to you!


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