

It seems like when you’re not really close to the coast, you don’t really feel that affected by hurricanes, or somehow detached from them at least.

Katrina though? Katrina is a little different.

It’s a little scarier when you have friends and family that live in the affected areas.

It’s a little scarier when those people you know have jobs that put them in the middle of the worst areas.

It’s a little scarier when you can’t contact those people because of downed phone lines and loss of power.

It’s a little scarier when the only images the news show are ones of rushing water and people screaming for help.

It’s a little scarier when family members of people you know die in the storm.

It kind of makes the case that even though that hurricane is hundreds of miles away, even though the earthquake is on the other side of the country, or even though that tsunami is on the other side of the world, people’s lives are being tremendously changed.

Kind of commands a new respect for Mother Nature doesn’t it?

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