KaNisa Takes a Tumble


Lovely start to the week.

I’m thinking that whole “introverts need time to themselves to recharge” thing is a real thing. Not getting that recharge is detrimental to life.

Woke up exhausted this morning and a bit distracted. Went through the motions of getting ready for work…mostly repeating in my head how tired I was and thinking about options to take PTO…but then realized it would be pointless because people are in the house requiring attention.

Parents car parked in the driveway, me out front…garage has a bunch of tools and stuff in it while things are being worked on.

Mother was up did the pre-school pep talk. I mentioned to her that I was tired and she said they’d be leaving tomorrow (!).

Started down my front steps…

There’s a split second when you know you’re falling…you have that awareness that it’s about to happen, you do calculations about how to save yourself from falling…and if the probability is high that tragicness is about to happen, the next half second thought is how to protect yourself from too much harm.

Luckily, I recently read articles about how to fall while skiing and or snowboarding for research (not gonna happen…I can’t even WALK properly)…and also looked to see how people should fall normally for comparison so I knew what to do.

It was literally one of these down about 8 wood steps down to the ground with stones.

My side kind of hurts and is scratched up a bit, but mostly just hurt my pride. If it still hurts in an hour or two, I’ll see about it.

But yeah, jolting start to the week.

Maybe I’ll leave work early and go to the movies or something for an hour or two of alone time…

I bet it was hilarious to hear though “Step, step, crash, bump, thump…”

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B&B Plan Fail
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The Morning After


  • August 14, 2013 at 9:24 am

    Luckily, I recently read articles about how to fall while skiing and or snowboarding for research (not gonna happen…I can’t even WALK properly)…and also looked to see how people should fall normally for comparison so I knew what to do.
    What about what you learned in taekwondo?

    • August 14, 2013 at 10:18 am

      We don’t usually spend time on the ground in Tae Kwon-do.

      Or if we did, it was an additional self defense add on. We’re usually upright.


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