Just wondering


Just some random things that crossed my mind today… 

1. My Technologies or Representation professor is an interesting character. He doesn’t seem to be too much older than us, but he’s extremely intelligent and humorous in that “Fraiser” sort of way. Randomly, I wondered what he would be like sexually. Is there a running commentary? Does he insert jokes about what Lindsay Lohan would be like in Plato’s allegories? Would he wear the same blue striped shirt he wears every day to bed? It’s sometimes easy to forget that professors are people too, but then again I think such random musings may be why. 

2. Usually when I have a crush on someone I have no problem fantasizing about such things that I think about professors. Currently though, I just can’t do it in passing because it doesn’t seem right. (Which is ironic since when they’re around I have to repress the urge to hump on them.) I wonder why that is….

3. Do you ever wonder how you might die? (Jarring question I know). In marketing analysis yesterday, we talked about product surveys that asked such questions then asked your opinion of hamburgers. Not sure how ethical that is, but whatever works…

4. I saw the movie United 93 the other day. I sat riveted and disturbed the entire time…wouldn’t recommend viewing it alone. Watching it and knowing the ending, you still couldn’t help but pull for the passengers to overtake the cockpit. I remember getting an email about going through a similar situation. They were saying, in a hostage situation, everyone should band together to rise up against any hijackers. I wonder if they could have been successful if they started their attempt earlier.

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