Joining a BGLO


THESIS UPDATE: Focused on the rise of BGLO, their dynamics during the Civil Rights Movement, and how they were affected by government programs designed to neutralize radical groups (COINTELPRO, etc.)

In response to some reoccurring Google hits I thought I would address a subject people seem to be curious about. The subject is how to pledge a BGLO.

Here are some tips complied by the Gamma Sigma Chapter of AKA. It applies to all orgs for the most part:

I especially like how they say how you should go about researching and approaching an organization like you would research and approach a job. Networking is so important for both grad and undergrad chapters when you’re an interest, mostly because the people in the target org must vote for you AND you want to make sure you want to be associated with that chapter. For instance, if you find that the people don’t have good reputations, take that into account. Even if you do not follow the ways of the chapter, you will still be grouped along with them.

Some other tips:

GET INVOLVED. Join some clubs, take leadership possessions. Once again a lot of the Greek experiences are based on leadership. It’s no coincidence that many of the Civil Rights Movers and shakers are Greek (Sonia Sanchez Alpha Kappa Alpha, MLK Alpha Phi Alpha, Huey P Newton Phi Beta Sigma, Ralph Abernathy Kappa Alpha Psi, Daisy Bates Delta Sigma Theta, and the list goes on)

Discretion is a virtue.

Learn as much history about the org as you can. Once again, you have to know what you’re joining.

Know the platforms or tenants of the organization. All that information is available on national or sometimes chapter websites.

Don’t be limited by stereotypes. Although they are prevalent in some chapters, for the most part, people don’t abide by them. For example, my chapter of AKA generally doesn’t pass the paper bag test. Only maybe a third of us have long hair…and the personalities range from super duper down to the very rare saditty…

As for the more superficial unspoken rules….

If you’re a declared interest and you go to a Greek event, wear neutral colors. Some people are very anal about interests wearing their colors at their event.

In relation to the previous statement, always put your best foot forward at those events. For the most part, Greek orgs are looking for well put together leaders. Just as you wouldn’t go to an interview looking less than presentable, you shouldn’t go to events looking less than presentable.

Be careful about approaching members. Many of the orgs have rules against this and they could get in trouble for talking to you. This is when the networking comes in handy. If you already have developed a relationship or even friendship with a person, you’ll more than likely be able to ask them questions about their org. I wouldn’t recommend just going up to someone you don’t know and saying, “I want to pledge! What should I do?!”

I know I said this before but DISCRETION IS KEY!

NO SKATERS! This means if you’re joining to wear the letters, and party walk, or get guys/girls, whatever, just do something else. While that’s all part of being Greek, the main focus is WORK! ESPECIALLY if the chapter is small. We can’t afford to have dead weight…there’s just too much work to do.

Some recommended books/movies:

School Daze – Actually much more realistic than people like to admit…

Black Greek 101 By Walter Kimborough – Historical Information on the development & customs of BGLO’s

The Divine Nine: The History of African-American and Sororities in America By Lawrence Ross – Details the history of all 9 BGLO’s and also includes some important poems…

African American Fraternities And Sororities: The Legacy And The Vision Ed. Tamara Brown – Haven’t read this yet, but I hear it is also quite comprehensive

Sorority Sister By Tajuana Butler – A bit like a female version of school daze…

Black Sorority Project – Haven’t seen this, but it seems to be a great documentary about the history of that OTHER group…

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Black Sorority Project : The Exodus


  • May 9, 2007 at 9:29 pm

    Chile, don’t tell folks to go looking at School Daze because that’s what gets us a bad rap in the first place (especially sororities). That movie makes it seem as though all we are is an auxiliary for the dudes and that we’ll do damn near anything to please them. We’re not all about posing for campus and that’s all those folks did in that movie.

    Tell them to check out “The Exodus”, that movie that was originally made about my org (DST) even though our national chapter denounces it. The film really does give a pretty good view of what was going on during that time period to cause all of us to form our organizations.

    Well I meant School Daze for the guys really. The Gamma Rays weren’t really a sorority were they? And some of those traditions permeate sororities too…

    I looked up that Exodus Movie. That looks really neat! I’d like to see it myself although it’s about you rebels ;P They’re making one about AKA as well due out in Fall 2008. I hope our nationals supports it…

  • June 6, 2007 at 9:08 am

    I have been interested in a particular greek org for quite some time, but unfortunately they never had an interest meeting and then eventually I found out that they were suspended for reasons unknown. I understand the concept of discretion, which is why I am hesitant to even write this post, but I feel like I need some advice. I have graduated from college now and I am hoping that I will be worthy enough to become a member through grad chapter. The thing is, I want to earn my letters. I don’t want to sign something and then become a member. I want to earn the right to be a part of such a prestigious and worthy organization. I’d rather not be a member at all if I can’t prove myself worthy rather than just declaring that I am worthy. Is it possible to do this in the grad chapter? How can I tell if a chapter actually does demonstrate what I am talking about? I’d hate to apply to a grad school based on a seemingly legit undergrad chapter, then discover that I am exactly where I do not wish to be. My friends who are members of BGLO’s have told me that “skaters” probate as well. I hope I haven’t been too forthcoming with this information. I would hate to offend or disrespect anyone…especially since I am a GDI trying to show some interest.

    I’ll email you in a second.


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