

Was listening to John Legend’s interview over on Concrete Loop.

I keep forgetting where I am sometimes…she asked who his girlfriend was after he mentioned her a few times in the interview and he said names weren’t important. I exclaimed,  “SHE’S WHITE! THE HO’S WHITE!” amongst my all white roommates who happened to be nearby…

My bad yall…I was just making a statement…

I love John Legend though. I think he’s quite sexy. He needs to propagate that seed among his fellow blackies and create similar male children for my future daughters to molest though.

DISCLAIMER: The writer of this journal in no way discriminates against those who participate in interracial dating. She only cares about those who she is interested in as that means more competition for her. That is all.  

In other news…

How do people feel about Ciara, really?

I’m conflicted myself. A lot of people say she’s jocking Aaliyah’s style and I can’t say I disagree. Aaliyah was one of the greatest entertainers of my lifetime and also one of my favorite. Every time I see Ciara, I think Aaliyah, but it’s not necessarily a negative feeling that goes a long with it. You have to admit, she does Aaliyah well and imitation is the sincerest form of flattery.

At the same time though, I wish she could pay homage to Aaliyah and still be somewhat original. Use your own hair. Use your own style. Even your music is similar…broaden your producer range.


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