Job Search Cont.


So I had my interview at Babbage’s today.

They acted like they’ve never seen an interviewee in a suit before! They were like, "we’re so impressed that you came with a suit, a resume, and a list of experience" (games I’m familiar with). Not only did they offer me a job, but the district manager is calling Friday about a potential manager position! I was really surprised that they were so impressed! I mean…I’m not ALL THAT…

Well…maybe I am…

Another opportunity is on the horizon. My sister has a connection with the Disney college program. Not only would I be paid to work in the park somewhere, I could also earn up to 12 hours of college credit! My housing would come out of my paycheck of barely over minimum wage though so I’m not too sure about that. I think the only advantages would be that I’m away from home and around other college aged people.

Before the interview, that was looking mighty good especially given the current situation with "Daddy Dearest" but a managerial position would definitely look more appealing on my resume…

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