It’s Tuesday?!?!


I could have sworn it was Wednesday at least…

There’s 532 things going on at work…

Finally gaining traction with spreading the gospel of UX. I’m presenting to the Business Analysts and Program Manager group Thursday afternoon, and we have a brown bag scheduled for July 31. Hopefully sending the underlings to the training I went to a few years ago to get everyone shored up for the onslaught of work we’ll get.

Working a proposal…compliance manager and graphics person.

Writing strategic plan for the group to be added to the systems development plan. Meeting with the chief Thursday about that.

Putting out fires of my team as they come up.

And on top of all that, the actual work of a UX analyst…interviewing users, documenting requirements, and drafting prototypes for daily reviews.

The days are very long and full….it’s only Tuesday!

On the plus side, I did get 3 awards at work totalling $1600. I do appreciate it, but geez…can I breathe?

Found out my Soror and one of the people over the account is leaving because of the overwork. All kinds of money, but stressed alot. She’s early/mid 30’s and is burned out. She plans not to work for a while and enjoy life. No kids, no husband…she’s about to just enjoy all the money she made and relax.

I feel that may be my future…grind…develop ulcers, rack up money, then just chill for like a year before getting a job that is easily manageable.

I feel like it’s more of a personal issue though. You don’t HAVE to work that hard…

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