It’s time Baby!



I love my ATL Sorors!!! Who says we all don’t network?!?! AKA IS SO WORTH IT IF ONLY FOR THE CONNECTIONS!!!

LOL…I keed, I keed…

So it seems that I have acquired a ticket for Mr. Stephens and Robin Thicke’s concert tonight. I’m so very excited as these past few days have been stressful and busy. It’s time to unwind with sexy men and good music. I love both of those guys and have most of their albums. If you’ve been a longtime reader, you’d know I had a couple of Thicke’s song on rotate for a while…

As far as my exclamation of excitement about AKA, it was an Atlanta Soror that alerted me that she had a ticket available. I’ll also be tagging along with some other Sorors I’ve never met, but I’m confident it’ll still be cool as those are my Sorors, man! We help each other for we know there’s no other like our sisterhood, man!

In other news…

It would figure that on the day I return to my normal attire style that it would rain torrentially… had me standing at the bus stop getting drenched to the bone. They ain’t right. Luckily I never got around to straightening my hair so I didn’t have much to worry about. It would have been tragic otherwise.

Well let me go try to get a handle on this head of mine. I’ll be back with a full report later tonight.

Oh and PS for you unfortunates that aren’t as lucky as me, don’t forget to catch Maya Angelou and Dave Chappelle’s conversation on Iconoclasts. Sundance Channel 9 PM.

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