It’s the Weak End, Baby. Woo.

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Haven’t been too good lately…oh well everyone has their vices. Why people encourage my bad habits, I do not know…

Nothing much going on these days. My phone has been busy though which is always excellent. It’s great to hear from people you haven’t heard from in a while…

Don’t really want to talk about the hurricane(s).

Don’t really want to talk about what’s been going on in certain relationships.

Don’t really want to talk about life as of right now.

It’s one of those I really have nothing to talk about, but it wouldn’t be right not to post anything days.

Here are a few random things I’ve learned lately though:

There’s a such thing as “warrior sperm” these little guys attack any foreign sperm that may be present in a woman’s vagina. When I told a friend about this, he says that the existence of this proves that males were genetically engineered to be with more than one person. I booed him, but I guess he may be right.

It’s possible to contract HPV even if you use a condom during intercourse. It’s not such a bad thing for guys because it’s undetectable and has no symptoms, but for females, the virus can cause different types of cancer.

One can never be too careful these days…seems like just another reason to keep em closed to me.

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1 Comment

  • September 25, 2005 at 1:29 am

    Hey, after I found your site on accicent one night, I’ve been coming back every since. I love your taste in music. I need your library.


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