It’s Party Time


Double entry today just because I’m bored and there are about 40 Caucasian people above the age of 43 in my house right now…(nothing against Caucasian people, just not wanting to hear “you go to tech?! You are an entertaining black person!” did anyone see that episode of boondocks? It’s kind of like that)

In other news…here are three random thoughts for you

1. You know that song “So Sick” by Ne-Yo?

I kind of like it. It’s relatable, definitely lived it…but I can see it being overplayed and annoying in about eight days because it has that “overplayed” kind of sound to it.

2. I like Hot Tamales.

I used to actually hate them. When we were little, the Sears in Genesse Valley Mall (flint, Michigan) used to have a candy stand in it…don’t know if it still does now, haven’t been there in forever. So anyway, every time we went to the mall, daddy would get Cherry Sours and Hot Tamales candy. I always ate the cherry sours, and my sisters ate the tamales…I think I didn’t like them because they were hot…


One moment please…

*hears curses, a gunshot, and “did you get it? you da man Donnie” from downstairs…*

sigh…continuing on…

3. All of D4L’s songs sound the same…

Here’s the formula

da na na, da na na (some words), da na na, da na na (some words) (repeat)
+ name of the song (some sort of response like nope or echo of song title) x4

= D4L Songs

Sure the songs are “crunk” but can we get a little more creative?

Oh and just because I always have to show people things I’m proud of for validation (I guess that’s not an attractive quality to have, but oh well). Check out a teaser for my portfolio’s new look. It’s been a while since I’ve redesigned and I’m about to launch three sites for various organizations so I guess I need to show people how versatile I am…marinate it.

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