It is Done


It’s official!

I’m going on my first vacation ever as an adult for my 30th birthday!

I’m not going to take my work laptop(s) this time so it’ll be a real vacation!

(Can’t anyway because export issues due to the nature of my work)…

I just paid for the flight and boarding!

I’m going to….


St. Lucia!

Ain’t it bootyful?!

So the plan was to not go too far, but to at least leave the country. I didn’t want to go to a cliché place like Jamaica or the Bahamas either…especially since it might fall during spring breaky/Carnival times…

For me I’m not so much a beach person…and was definitely not looking for nightlife stuff…really wanted pretty nature and lush greenery.

I’m looking up things to do once I get there. So far, this is on my to do list :

Rainforest Adventures – Zipline tours and bird watching and some aerial tram thing! Because Bootyful!

Hike up The Pitons – Because nature and it’s bootyful!

Diamond Falls – Because more nature and it’s bootyful too!

Sulphur Springs – I heard they do a mud bath here! So EYE can be bootyful!

Was looking at all inclusive resorts, but I felt like that was a lot of money to not go see the actual island. Doing Airbnb instead at 40 bucks a night.

Sounds kinda shady, but I’ve heard good things…it’s a really nice place with good reviews. Plus this is the view from their front porch :


I’m ready!

Now I just have to find a way to tell my parents I’m going abroad by myself and staying with total strangers without them freaking out…lies might be told…

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  • February 21, 2015 at 12:13 am

    Wonderful! Now for that last paragraph . . . Tell them you’ll be travelling with your boyfriend to get an abortion there. Then tell them you’re not pregnant. Then tell them you don’t have a boyfriend. They’ll be relieved and wish you a safe trip.

    • February 21, 2015 at 10:02 am

      Ha! I wish that would work! They were worried when I went to DC a few weeks back and I LIVED there for several years!


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