It aint right.


I HATE it when professors cancel classes all willy nilly! Can we at least get a day warning or something?!

I guess I can’t complain too much since that means I only have one class today, but to have two classes cancelled in one day seems kind of bootleg.

In other news…

Melyssa Ford (aka Jessica Rabbit) is sexy and everything, but her face is jacked up.

I mean from the neck down I can’t be mad at her, she does have a nice body, but dang your face girl! Not even makeup can save you! And I can’t even fully apreciate your body because of all the airbrushing and sillicone!

Nevertheless though, she’s my inspiration today. With all the cancellation of classes and now that my tests are out of the way, I can now return to my creative roots and turn some of these ideas into something concrete.

I need an African American female model that doesn’t have a jacked up face though. I wanted to use someone naturually beautiful that isn’t an actress or singer or anything…I would really prefer a real Maxim type model…but I wonder how many of those ladies are natural, lol

Any suggestions are welcome though. I’m thinking of making a series of photoshop collages (which isn’t really a collage see the lovely Fresh’s creation as an example)

A series of images like that…

feminine, sexy, but not slutty…

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