Infatuations of the Moment


Love and Hip Hop Pip Pip

I’m not sure what drew me to this show, but I was browsing Net.flix and happened across this :

Sat and watched Season 1 and 2 in succession this weekend.

I’m sad about it!

It’s over (for now)!

it was really good!

I have one episode left, then I’ll have to wait until next year for season 3!

If you want to check it out legit-ly…check PBS for episodes or Netflix if you’re a member. Also, Season 2 started Sunday on PBS Masterpiece in America. Also on the PBS Website.

The Dog Whis.perer 

My brain was totally off last night. I couldn’t concentrate on anything!

Pursued Hulu for something lightweight and mildly entertaining…

Stayed up until bout 4 watching season 5 of this :

He’s a psychologist who goes to people’s homes and corrects behavior in their dogs. Stuff like…being afraid of swimming pools, being afraid of stairs, general aggressiveness, being overprotective of food, eating everything (paper, poo, nails, etc.). In most cases, he can get them over their issues in 15 minutes or less. For tougher ones, it takes 6-8 weeks.

Interestingly, most of the time it’s not even the dog that has the problem. Their issues are a direct result of how their owners handle them. In most cases the dog didn’t respect their owners as the “pack leaders” and acted out.

For real it seems the answer to issues with your dog is you demonstrating “calm assertiveness”. They need to know you’re the boss…I thought most of his techniques could be applied to people as well.

Having a dog would be such a great personality/assertiveness development tool for kids (and adults) if done right!

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  • January 10, 2012 at 11:00 am

    The soundtrack to the Downtown Abbey trailer sounds like the Belgian girls’ choir whose version of Radiohead’s Creep for The Social Network trailer you posted sometime ago.

    • January 11, 2012 at 7:45 pm

      Oh boo I don’t like that at all! Biggest positive about the show is that it’s in another time…this song tries to make it too modern! I didn’t even hear the song until now… Was at work without headphones when I looked for that…


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