I’m from the streets, BEECH!


A worker from another store in the area came in to see how we were running our operation today. My manager has a habit of hiring girls he finds attractive whether they have experience with games or not and said worker thought I was one of those girls.

He was saying as much to his friend when I happened to be standing nearby adding, “I bet she doesn’t even know what she’s talking about.”

“Can I help you?” I asked.

“Uh yeah, just a question. Do you even play games?”

I cocked my head, “how old are you?”


“I’ve been playing games since before your father deposited you in your mother’s rectum. Perhaps you should do your research before checking me.”

He didn’t have anything else to say after that.

Okay so none of that actually happened.

An associate did come in from another store, but all he did was smirk at me. I wanted to regulate him, but being fired on the day before my last day wouldn’t be worth it.

It other news…

It’s the start of a new week. Nothing too much planned. I just finished eating my booty and breast plan meal for today. (Yukon Gold Potatoes. They are quite tasty.) The Itis is starting kick in though so this entry will have to be short.

Oh and I have to promote this. My company’s conglomerate which includes Gamestop, EB Games, Babbage’s, and Barnes & Noble among other stores also has an entity called Movie Stop. It’s basically the same as Gamestop, but deals with of course movies. You can buy, sell and trade movies in for cash and store credit, and the movies you buy there are cleaned, shrink wrapped and guaranteed. I got all three seasons of Chappelle’s Show for under 30 bucks! I was really excited about the idea of the store and how nice it looked and everything…if there were more, it would definitely put places like FYE or other movie buying places out of business…

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Booty Butt Cheeks.


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