I’m alive. Barely.


Sooo…I just hit 30 hours worth of work this week.

And it’s Tuesday.

New struggle :

How do you get everyone on your level?

Thinking that everyone being everything is not feasible unless they’re me (not to be a braggart, just saying…)

Due to the small team, thinking maybe it’s time to silo efforts to keep people working on things they are good at, rather than trying to do things they only marginally know how to do so I don’t have to go behind them and redo it.

Caught flack this past week due to things I delegated not being handled by the person i delegated it to.

A tad irritated that I did in 2 days what they couldn’t accomplish in 5 months.

Lesson learned, trust but verify…and put everything in writing so it can’t be disputed.

Also need to teach people to trust in what they know. If you’re a SME be confident in your opinions and don’t waver.

My people are good at their particular talents, but they’re not confident in them yet.

The one person that is confident, is still in a commercial world a bit, so their issue is more applying that to the govie culture. (ie. Innovative design ideas get side eyes. Show a little skin at a time or they’ll be overwhelmed.)

Everyone also needs basic consulting skills.

And time management training…

Shoot EYE need time management training, the “don’t kill yourself or you’ll burn out at age 27” kind.

And how to properly set expectations not so much for other people, but for myself. Thing is I don’t have a problem with 15 hour days, consciously. I don’t mind being “overloaded” with work…I even thrive and get a great sense of pride when overloaded as it’s cool that people trust me to get things done, but I’m aware that probably isn’t good for me.

15 hour days + daily nightmares about buses I’m riding in crashing into rivers and me saving everyone….then getting shot Mexican execution style by the people chasing the bus…

Are not the business.

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