I’m a warrior…


…I breathe fire, I represent, speed, strength, power, and wisdom…

…and I’m going to Kill Bill.

Watched Volume II tonight. Made me wish I hadn’t given up my Tae Kwon-Do. I reminisced by whipping around the house with my sword and pretending to snatch out the eyes of invisible people…

I remember my Master being sexist…he wouldn’t let me compete with my sword because it was a male dominated competition…I got a staff instead. I bet if I stayed in Mississippi I would have gotten to do swords eventually though, I placed all the time with in my staff and hyung competitions (you know when you see old people on the beach doing slow punches and kicks and everything…those are kind of what hyung are) Five state champion for two years straight in the regional National Tae Kwon Do Federation of America championships…I just got my A kicked in sparring…

Not that I wasn’t good or anything, I was. My form was perfect, it’s just that you have to go by the rules and can’t take people down…just punching, blocking, and kicking, it was like I’d be the best fighter in class, but when I went to tournaments, I’d have to fight some she-man that was 20 times bigger than me…

Man though, if I could have taken her down, it would have been on…

I really want to study Ninjutsu one day though. I hear they only really do it in the Northeast, but I saw a dude at a tournament once. He was pretty good too…

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