I’ll Cover You


Learning some interesting things in my psychology class. Basically maybe 80% of human behavior is based on sex. Aside from that though according to my book:

A woman is biologically “guaranteed” that her children will carry her genes. No such guarantee exists for men. If you’re male, no matter how many times you’ve copulated with a given woman, there is some nonzero probability that her offspring carry the genes of some other man.

Isn’t that incredible?! Your child, that was once an egg fertilized by YOUR sperm, could actually be the child of your partner’s ex boyfriend. YOUR child could have her ex’s eyes, nose, ears…

And according to my book, this is essentially why men have more of a problem with sexual infidelity rather than with emotional infidelity. Inherently, he’s jealous that the other person’s genes may get passed on instead of his. Women, on the other hand, have more of a problem with emotional infidelity. No matter what, her genes get passed on, but if her partner is connected to someone else, he won’t really be there to support her when she’s with child. Or I guess, since his genes aren’t guaranteed to be passed on through her, she may get jealous that the other female will get the genes she wants for her child.

If you’re male, you may or may not be passing on your genes when a female you’ve copulated with has a child. If you’re female…you should pay attention to the possibility that a man you have copulated with may become attached to another woman and leave.

Interesting stuff, really.


I finally got to see Rent, the movie anyway. I guess it was about time since I know most of the words of the songs and I’ve also read the script. It’s an incredible work, Jonathon Larsen was a genius…watching the documentary about it now. It’s really amazing how these works are created and how they can last so long…

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